Moses then convoked the whole community of Israelites and said to them: “These are the things that YHWH has commanded you to do…” (Exodus 35)
This week of Shabbat Vayakhel, we learn of Moses’ convocation of the whole community, calling on each of them whose heart is moved to action to bring their gifts so the builders and artisans can complete the work of creating their sanctuary and its ritual objects. Taking inspiration from the words of our sacred text, I call on the entire congregation, each one of us whose heart is moved to action, to contribute to the growth and flourishing of our community.
Here are three opportunities to join in the dance.
OASIS: Online AccesS Inclusion Specialists
The word I hear most often to describe our CBT community is heimish, which can be translated as friendly, warm and welcoming, caring. And it’s true, whether you say it in Yiddish, Hebrew or English. We need everyone who is able to help keep our sanctuary an oasis, especially during shabbat and holiday services when we provide online access via Zoom for folks who cannot attend in person and offer warm hospitality to everyone who does attend in person. All that is required is to arrive 15-20 minutes before a scheduled service, open the ark, turn on the Zoom & microphones, start the coffee for oneg, set out the grape juice for kiddush. After the service ends, turn off the Zoom and microphones, close the ark, etc. It’s easy, and we need your help beginning next week! Please sign up for an upcoming Shabbat here.
Paul Fau has generously offered to train anyone who feels they need assistance with managing the technology. Contact him at
Get together with our friends in faith: Chai & Conversation with Dr. Vinita Ganju
Friday, March 21st at 1PM – Gibson House Community Center
How wonderful it was to gather in celebration with members of the India Temple Association (ITA) community! As Dr. Vinita Ganju (ITA) and Sabrina Spector (JCRC) both said, our communities share many common values and we are all committed to building and strengthening our relationships. I hope you’ll join me this week at Chai & Conversation, a weekly program for seniors (65+) open to anyone.
Half-Shekel Campaign & Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Thank you to everyone who supported the Half Shekel Campaign and donated cash to matanot l’evyonim (supporting the needy) at the Megillah reading on Purim. The Half Shekel Campaign is still going strong, and I urge everyone to make a donation of any amount if you haven’t already. The goal is 100% participation in the growth and flourishing of our community.
Thank you, also, to everyone who has given generously to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. This is another way to support members of our community who are in need of financial assistance. All donations are gratefully acknowledged and all requests for assistance are completely confidential.